LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE!” That’s how our client described the result of using our Certinn System!



  • Imagining future business models, products, processes, and services that create extraordinary value requires creative thought, synthesis to integrate familiar and unfamiliar ideas, divergence to create options, analysis of multiple alternatives, and convergence on the strongest alternatives.
  • The Certinn System uniquely integrates the human dynamics for innovation, innovation tools, and systematic approaches in a dynamic framework for conceiving, developing, and synthesizing new innovations.


Current Situation:

  • The first viable idea(s) for a new solution or innovation can and typically will be improved. Iterative, scientific method-based approaches, while generally effective, can be significantly improved upon for speed and value creation.
  • Technical requirements for new technology, product, or process development are typically solution-dependent, which inherently limits the solution space for innovation and thereby reduces the potential for expansionary or revolutionary alternatives.
  • Sustainable innovation leadership in a world of accelerating change requires approaches that consistently expand solution spaces.

    What Makes Certinn Unique?


    • Teams using Certinn translate requirements and needs into solution-independent criteria and create a project-specific ecosystem of creative energy, insight development, expanded and diverse portfolios of viable conceptual alternatives, synthesis, and strategic iteration.
    • Its exceptional capability to improve the certainty of extraordinary innovation is maximized by cycles of controlled divergence (creation of more possibilities) and convergence (focus on the strongest possibilities) in the development of alternatives. Innovation alternatives get stronger with each cycle and are inevitably superior to previous ideas.
    • There is also early identification and prevention of conceptual weaknesses that would otherwise result in failures later in the development or delivery phases. This approach enables your organization to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of innovation work well beyond the traditional limitations of “sequential trial and error”.
    • The Certinn System creates concept architectures that are inevitably and demonstrably superior to all current and previous concepts, as well as those of competitors and competitive trajectories, which leads to creating new business models, products, processes, and services that set new standards!