Empowering Individuals
Having a personal Coach empowers you with moving forward toward your goals. A Coach guides you through obstacles and celebrates your triumphs. When you are down and don’t know where to turn, a Coach lifts you up and reminds you of your inner strengths and abilities. When you get in your own way or life happens, a Coach gets you unstuck and powerfully moving forward again. Phil Donihe is an extraordinary Coach.
Through working with Phil, you will:
» Realize new levels of self-understanding, self-mastery, and resiliency.
» Expand your capacity to manage change, difficult situations, and growth opportunities.
» Apply self-understanding to improve your relationships of all types.
» Discover, develop, and leverage your character strengths.
» Identify key life purpose and goals and create detailed plans and action steps toward achieving them.
» Create sustainable personal achievements and excellence in all areas of your life.
Phil says, “I find it exciting and rewarding when my clients have breakthroughs in understanding themselves and in achieving their goals. I watch them visibly grow in self-respect and self-mastery. Each client then influences the lives of many others. It’s an amazing organic process that generates improved relationships and performance.”
What people are saying:
“Phil is a tremendously talented professional, mentor, and character coach with expertise and passion for driving positive change.”
“Coaching and Innovekt’s systems contributed significantly to uplifting and strengthening my life and contributed directly to a significant increase in productivity, focus, and optimism. It was an important part of a catapult that quickly launched me into unprecedented progress and growth at speeds that surprised me.”
“Phil delivers successful outcomes by coaching and developing people through experience-based learning. Phil’s development of others is based in a genuine desire to see people grow and perform beyond their current level. I grew tremendously and appreciate the trust Phil extended me. This trust allowed me to have valuable experiences that enriched both my personal and professional lives.”
“You were able to ‘step outside the box’ to interpret, in concert with the two of us, our assessment results. The light bulbs went on, and we were able to understand what had eluded us for so long.”
“Phil Donihe took us through two reflective instruments, the Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator® and the Character Foundations Assessment™. We were impressed with how accurate these instruments were in showing us our respective personalities and character strengths. We could clearly see our commonalities (and the differences) we each bring to our work. Phil’s skill in facilitating that conversation and uniquely combining the results of both instruments provided insights into how to best run our business better–together!”
Improve the relationships with the people in your life, NOW!
Win more often! Build relationships quickly and effectively by respecting the unique preferences of other people!
Have you ever had an interaction when you just didn’t seem to “click” with the other person? Do you know what went wrong? It could have been that your approach just didn’t match, in one or more ways, with how the other person prefers to relate with others. Human interactions are so complicated that it can be difficult to know how each unique person feels respected.
Leave the “trial-and-error” and “one-size-fits-all” approaches behind and give yourself the advantage of science-based relationship building!
With iRespectYOU™ you can quickly and easily find the approach that works for them, and for you, by using the leading-edge relationship building system!

ISPI Insights
Review your personalized Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator Report in this one-on-one review with a Certified Practitioner. It interprets styles of thinking, relating and behaving in the context of innovation within businesses and organizations.
Resilience Response
Change is constant. Adversity is happening. Resilience Response enables you to thrive! Enhance Flexibility, Focused Determination, and Positive Spirit for an increasingly successful life.
Self-Mastery GO
Start self-mastery by understanding who you really are. Discover and measure 22 of the hidden elements of your soul to gain unique insights and create a foundation for powerful self-mastery!
Be Brave Action Group
This exciting 6-month journey leads you through applying concepts and principles in the book “Be Brave and Arise”, by S.M. Alexander to your life!
Be Brave Discussion Group [Ages 15-18]
This exciting 12-week discussion examines the concepts and principles in the book “Be Brave and Arise”, by S.M. Alexander! For young men ages 15-18.
Be Brave Discussion Group [Single, Ages 18-40]
This exciting 12-week discussion examines the concepts and principles in the book “Be Brave and Arise”, by S.M. Alexander! For single men ages 18-40.
Be Brave Discussion Group [Fathers]
This exciting 12-week discussion examines the concepts and principles in the book “Be Brave and Arise”, by S.M. Alexander! For fathers.
“Stand Tall” eBook
Look in the mirror and see the noble human being standing there! This powerful eBook was created to give you perspectives to broaden your view of youself through the lens of character.
Character Workout 1
60 minute Character Workout: Make tangible progress on your selection of 22 Character Virtues, plan your growth, and take concrete steps to be stronger for life’s challenges.
Character Workout 2
90 minute Character Workout: Make tangible progress on your selection of 22 Character Virtues, plan your growth, and take concrete steps to be stronger for life’s challenges.

Character Muscles-2
Create success in your life through a new and deeper understanding of how to leverage and grow your character strengths. Create a better you in 2 hours per month!
Character Muscles-3
Create success in your life through a new and deeper understanding of how to leverage and grow your character strengths. Create a better you in 3 hours per month!
Character Muscles-4
Create success in your life through a new and deeper understanding of how to leverage and grow your character strengths. Create a better you in 4 hours per month!

Executive Coaching
Sustainable extraordinary personal performance – from managing Boardroom dynamics, to navigating senior leader conflicts, to Strategic Vision realization, we accompany you through change and ambiguity to consistently create the extraordinary!

CFA™ Certification
Provide individual insights for the Character Foundations Assessment (CFA) with excellence!
Become a CFA Certified Practitioner.

ISPI™ Certification
Provide individual insights for the Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator with excellence!
Become an ISPI Certified Practitioner.
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